Warning & Punishment

If Your Profile Reach 10 Warning Points You Will Be Banned

Posted Malware/Payload For Spreading

  • 5 Points Will Be Applied That Will Stay Forever
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  • 3 Points Will Be Applied That Will Stay Forever
  • Tool Is Infected But Not Confirmed Its Malicious or Not

  • 1 Points Will Be Applied That Will Stay Forever
  • Content Leaching Full Spam(Replying like aaa asda)

  • 5 Points Will Be Applied That Will Stay Forever
  • Spamming The Forum Normal Level Like Repling With Same Message In Loop

  • 3 Points Will Be Applied That Will Stay Forever
  • Wrong Advertising Method

  • 4 Points Will Be Applied That Will Stay Forever
  • Posted A Link With Link Shortner

  • 2 Points Will Be Applied That Will Stay Forever
  • Used a File Hosting With Too Many Ads or Monitizing

  • 2 Points Will Be Applied That Will Stay Forever
  • Self and Business Advertisment Using Spammy Methods

  • 3 Points Will Be Applied That Will Stay Forever
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