  1. @ SNAKE: waiting....
  2. @ CyberGod: @SNAKE, writing a thread today about this topic😄
  3. @ SNAKE: .
  4. @ SNAKE: @CyberGod well welll well about telegram
  5. @ CyberGod: Will start maybe in some hours
  6. @ SNAKE: Any updates on the data transfer
  7. @ SNAKE: Nice!
  8. @ CyberGod: @SNAKE, amm nah these are public ... but yeah for private anybody can use conversation option
  9. @ SNAKE: Are these shoutouts private?
  10. @ SNAKE: Agreed
  11. @ CyberGod: maybe who knows
  12. @ CyberGod: @SNAKE, aaah i am not that updated but it sounds our data is still safe
  13. @ SNAKE: Yes
  14. @ CyberGod: @SNAKE, oh oh got it you mean the guy got arrested
  15. @ CyberGod: @SNAKE, amm like telegram hellcorp channel?
  16. @ SNAKE: So what are the updates on telegram CEO?
  17. @ SNAKE: I am not good at designing but you can provide me samples and I will tell if that is good or not
  18. @ CyberGod: btw any design reccomendation
  19. @ SNAKE: *Snake
  20. @ CyberGod: ok eagle i will update this
  21. @ SNAKE: 😅
  22. @ CyberGod: aah sharp eye
  23. @ SNAKE: Read it carefully
  24. @ SNAKE: Yes below the header
  25. @ CyberGod: @SNAKE, remember??? from the pervious message