
XenForo v2.2.13 - nulled


Nov 21, 2023
Username Style (Gradient Colours)


XenForo 2.2.13 Released

XenForo 2.2.13 is now available for all licensed customers to download. We strongly recommend that all customers running previous versions of XenForo 2.2 upgrade to this release to benefit from increased stability.

In addition to the fixes listed below, we have a few other aces up our sleeves this time around.

Full iOS PWA compatibility with push notification support

iOS 16.4 finally introduced push notifications for iOS devices. To facilitate this, your members need to install your site as a PWA (by utilising the Add to Home Screen feature in Safari). XenForo 2.2.13 now satisfies all of the prerequisites for this to support push notifications which can be enabled by your members once they log in through the PWA and enable push notifications in their Preferences.

The PWA (progressive web app) has now been enhanced with additional gesture based or UI controls, including pull down to refresh and a floating back button.

Structured data metadata improvements

With many thanks to Ryan Levering from Google we have made a number of improvements to structured data metadata. Structured data enriches the pages we output with additional information which enables Google and other search engines to better understand the structure of the information that is rendered. This helps Google provide rich search results and helps provide additional context to users who may find your content during their Google searches.

Support for OAuth authentication for Microsoft 365 business email accounts

Microsoft has deprecated the ability to send emails over SMTP using traditional username/password authentication. This is similar to what Google did a while ago. In light of this we have now added an additional option when setting up either your email transport or automated mail handlers (automated unsubscribe/bounce handling) which will enable you to authenticate with OAuth.

Note: The set up for this is fairly complex, requiring you to set up an Azure Active Directory application within the Azure developer portal. There is a link to the documentation when setting this up.

Directly from your admin control panel

If you are a XenForo Cloud customer, your upgrade will be scheduled automatically.

Some of the changes in XF 2.2.13 include:

The following public templates have had changes:
  • account_confirm_resend
  • account_connected_associate
  • account_details
  • account_email
  • account_request_password
  • account_two_step_authy_config
  • account_visitor_menu
  • app_body.less
  • app_content_vote.less
  • approval_item_user
  • approval_queue_macros
  • connected_account_macros
  • contact_form
  • content_vote_macros
  • core.less
  • core_button.less
  • core_list.less
  • custom_fields_macros
  • editor_base.less
  • email_stop_confirm
  • google_analytics
  • helper_js_global
  • lost_password_confirm
  • member_about
  • member_recent_content
  • member_view
  • member_warn
  • message_macros
  • notice_confirm_email
  • notice_email_bounce
  • poll_macros
  • post_macros
  • post_question_macros
  • register_confirm
  • register_connected_account
  • security_lock_resend
  • security_lock_reset
  • spam_cleaner
  • tag_macros
  • tel_box.less
  • two_step_email
  • widget_find_member
Where necessary, the merge system within the "outdated templates" page should be used to integrate these changes.

As always, new releases of XenForo are free to download for all customers with active licenses. You may now upgrade from your admin control panel or grab the new version from the customer area.

Current requirements

Please note that XenForo 2.2 has higher system requirements than earlier versions.

The following are minimum requirements:
  • PHP 7.0 or newer (PHP 8.0 recommended)
  • MySQL 5.5 and newer (Also compatible with MariaDB/Percona etc.)
  • All of the official add-ons require XenForo 2.2.
  • Enhanced Search requires at least Elasticsearch 2.0.

Keep your users involved

Make it easy for your users to get notified with updates that are applicable to them. They'll receive alerts whenever someone replies to them, reacts to one of their posts, and more. Users can even have notifications pushed to their devices so they can see them without being on your site.

Discover new content

Make sure your users can see the latest updates on your forum with the dedicated "What's new" section or by browsing the news feed to see all of the latest happenings, beyond just the messages being posted.

More than just likes

Let your users react to posts with more than just a like. They could be laughing, surprised, upset, or more. Setup reactions for any sentiment you want, with a custom icon and color for each reaction. Let reactions contribute to a score to help you identify your most engaging users.

Control access your way

Use XenForo's powerful permission system to control who can access certain areas and features. Create a forum that only project members can access. Prevent a troublemaker from posting in a specific forum. XenForo can be setup to fit your needs.

Styled to fit your brand

XenForo's look and feel can be totally customized to fit your brand. Quickly change the colors and logo to make your site directly from the control panel, no code changes necessary. Want more control? All of the HTML and CSS can be customized.

Built to be extended

XenForo has been built from the ground up to be extended and customized. Our community has released over 1000 add-ons. Or if you want to build something yourself, you can use our REST API or build your custom functions directly into the XenForo framework, taking advantage of all of the systems that are built in.

Engage your customers with the premium community experience.

Take advantage of our unrivaled reliability, flexible deployment and data security.

Engage your audience

Provide a forum where your customers can interact with you.

They will tell you what they like, and how you could do better.

Crowd-source support

Lighten the load on your support team.

Customers can answer each others' questions and share their experience.

Provide a safe space

You are the master of your own data.

Your customers will be reassured that their information is not being sold off to big tech.

Recover content

User-generated content is priceless.

Allow it to be easily found again, any time. Yesterday's facts are no less valuable than today's.

Share knowledge

Discussions on your forum contain a wealth of information.

Assemble your content into an invaluable knowledge base for your subject matter.

Build your own

Leverage state-of-the-art software architecture.

Create rich integrations and add-on systems to your own specification.

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