Become King Of Hell

auto exploiter

  1. CyberDemon

    Web Security Tools Zombie V13 Fully Cleaned Version [Auto Exploiter - Web Defacer + Scanner]

    Features : [1] Zombi Bot V13 Private Scanner [Pro] [2] Best Google Auto Dorker [3] Mass Url Collector Multi Thread [4] CMS Detector Site -filter website [5] Reverse ip Priv8 Unlimted [6] Multi shell checker ( live or no ) [7] Auto Exploiter Shell Upload Bot [8] Automatic SQLI Injector...
  2. CyberDemon

    Web Security Tools X-Warning Bot Cleaned Version | Auto Defacer

    This is cleaned version of Xwarning Bot. Xwarning is a bot that can auto deface websites. It has multi features like. Upload Any Script To ur Shellz: This feature allows users to upload custom scripts or files to a server shell for various purposes, such as executing commands, modifying...
  3. CyberDemon

    Scanning Tools Offensive Security Tools Web Security Tools Viper1337 - Private Scanner & Auto Site Exploiter [Cleaned Version]

    Hello Evil Souls! Today, I'd like to offer you something special. If you're interested in defacing a website and uploading your webshell to it but don't know much about defacing. Here is a tool that will help you out. You can obtain a list of vulnerable sites from various sources or bots that...