
  1. BitDroid

    General Hacking S: Sleek Linux, EP: 01 => How to make your Linux Look awesome?

    Hello everyone. I hope everyone is doing well enough. Either you are a seasoned hacker or just a beginner, one thing is for sure, you have watched some hacking scenes where hackers use awesome and cool looking systems. And you would be wondering (if you already havent done) how can i make my...
  2. SNAKE

    General Hacking OPSEC / Anonymity Journey To Linux Series | Ep 4 - tails

    Welcome to episode 4 of my series where we learn more about linux.In this episode we are gonna talk about tails os.Now you may ask "what is tails os?". Tails: tails is a part of debian family.It focuses on privacy so much that it only uses tor.But as the tails page mentions that "tails is safe...
  3. SNAKE

    General Hacking Journey To Linux Series | Ep 3 - Arch-linux

    Welcome to the third episode of the journey to linux series,in this episode we are installing arch linux,Which is a great linux distro for customization and its very lightweight and fast.Arch installation is totally cli based which can be challenging for some people thats why i am making this...