

  1. E

    Anonymous Android RAT + Tutorial

    ANONYMOUS ANDROID RAT + TUTORIAL ANONYMOUS RAT [SPECIAL FEATURES] > Bypass banking apps Bypass black screen Lock mobile screen Unlock mobile screen Bypass play protect and other antiviruses Steal all websites logins emails and passwords Steal cookies Silent control victim mobile screen...
  2. J

    YouTube Server Spreading: The Ultimate Guide for RAT, Keylogger, and Botnet

    Today, I will be teaching you how to spread your RAT, Keylogger, or botnet through YouTube. In this tutorial, we will register for a YouTube account, rip a legit video, and upload it as our own to spread our server. Step-by-step guide to spread your server via YouTube: 1. Register for a...
  3. 0

    How to Spread a RAT/Keylogger as a Torrent and Get Victims/Slaves

    Hello, today I'm going to teach you how to make and spread your RAT/Keylogger as a torrent. Torrent spreading is a great method to get slaves. You will need to bind your virus to a legitimate program, or you WILL be IP banned, and your torrent will be deleted from most torrent websites. I...