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Web Security Tools ⭐ Site-Scanner - Web application vulnerability assessment tool. ⭐

This Prefix Contains Tools That Are Used for Securing Web Applications, Websites, or Web Services Against Cyber Threats and Attacks.


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Aug 18, 2024


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🎯 Features​

  • Basic Info: Quick site information (Load Time, IP Address, Server OS...).​
  • Robots.txt Disallow Entries: Detection of Robots.txt and printing Disallow Entries.​
  • CMS Detection & Vulnerability Report: Automatically identifies the CMS and generates a vulnerability report.​
  • Admin Panel Auth Detection: Searches for common login page variations based on the detected CMS.​
  • Directory Scanning: Searches for valid directories under the specified URL.​
  • Security Headers Check: Checks for the presence of important security headers.​
  • SSL Certificate Validation: Validates the SSL/TLS certificate for the domain, displaying issuer information, expiration date, and days until expiry.​
  • Open Ports Scan: Scans open ports on the server.​
  • Subdomain Scanning: Scans for subdomains of the specified URL.​
  • SQL Injection Detection: Tests for SQL injection vulnerabilities in query parameters.​
  • XSS Detection: Tests for cross-site scripting vulnerabilities.​
  • User-Friendly Interface: Interactive and detailed shell menu.​
  • Multi-Threaded: Efficiently performs tasks in the background using threading.​

⚡ Getting Started​


  • Python 3.x.x​
  • Required Python packages: requests, beautifulsoup4​


  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd Site-Scanner​
  3. Requirements Installation: pip install -r requirements.txt​

🚀 Usage​

  1. Run the tool: python3 / Proxychains proxychains python3​
  2. Enter the URL of the website you wish to analyze.​
  3. Choose tasks according to the menu.​

©️ Contributing​

Found a bug or want to contribute? Great! Please submit an issue or pull request.
