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This Prefix Contains Tools That Are Used for Gathering Publicly Available Information From Various Sources on the Internet for Intelligence Gathering Purposes.


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Jan 16, 2022
dork-cli is a Python-based command-line Google Dork Tool to perform searches against Google’s custom search engine. A command-line option is always good as it allows you to script it in as part of your automated pen-testing suite.

It will return a list of all the unique page results it finds, optionally filtered by a set of dynamic page extensions.

Any number of additional query terms/dorks can be specified. dork-cli was designed to be piped into an external tool such as a vulnerability scanner for automated testing purposes.

Setup dork-cli Google Dork Tool

In order to use this program you need to configure at a minimum two settings: a Google API key and a custom search engine id.

Custom Search Engine:
  • Create a custom search engine via
  • Add your desired domain(s) under “Sites to search”
  • Click “Search engine ID” button to reveal the id, or grab it from the “cx” url paramter

API key:
  • Open the Google API console at
  • Enable the Custom Search API via APIs & auth > APIs
  • Create a new API key via APIs & auth > Credentials > Create new Key
  • Select “Browser key”, leave HTTP Referer blank and click Create
Usage of dork-cli Google Dorking Tool

$ ./ -h
usage: [-h] [-e ENGINE] [-f [FILETYPES]] [-k KEY] [-m MAX_QUERIES]
                   [-s SLEEP]
                   [T [T ...]]
Find dynamic pages via Google dorks.
positional arguments:
  T                     additional search term
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -e ENGINE, --engine ENGINE
                        Google custom search engine id (cx value)
  -f [FILETYPES], --filetypes [FILETYPES]
                        File extensions to return (if present but no
                        extensions specified, builtin dynamic list is used)
  -k KEY, --key KEY     Google API key
  -m MAX_QUERIES, --max-queries MAX_QUERIES
                        Maximum number of queries to issue
  -s SLEEP, --sleep SLEEP
                        Seconds to sleep before retry if daily API limit is
                        reached (0=disable)
API Limitations For Google Dorks

The free Google API limits you to 100 searches per day, with a maximum of 10 results per search. This means if you configure to return 100 results, it will issue 10 queries (1/10th of your daily limit) each time it is run. You have the option to pay for additional searches via the Google API console. At the time of writing, signing up for billing on the Google API site gets you $300 free to spend on API calls for 60 days.

You can download dork-cli Google Dorks Tool here:
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