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OPSEC / Anonymity Create your own VPN server without logging for $1


New member
Jul 24, 2022
Double (and more) VPN will give you a head start (only for a couple of days) to hide.
You connected to the Netherlands, then to Poland.
They give a request to the providers of the Russian Federation - who connected to Poland at that time? The provider does not see it.
Why? Because our provider only sees connections to the Netherlands, but does not see connections to Poland.
Why do they still find you?
Because any IP address belongs to the provider. And he keeps logs in due time and sees who connected where.
After they contact the IP provider of Poland, they find out who keeps the server, give it a request and the provider of Poland will inform you about the connection of the Netherlands, and they have already found you.
This article will describe the tools for the cheapest vpn without logging.
We take any server (with access to ssh), or we buy it. The cost is valated from 50 rubles (in the Russian Federation), foreign ones are slightly more expensive.

For a server, the OS is not significant, but the easiest way to configure the system is through Linux-like.

An example will show how VPN was installed through ubuntu.
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