OPSEC / Anonymity How to enable DoH (DNS over HTTPS) in any browser


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Jul 22, 2022
One of the most common channels for leaking information about visited sites are DNS services. This protocol was invented a long time ago and at that time the issue of privacy was not so acute. Today, many providers have access to and collect information about the sites that the user visits, precisely because of the open DNS protocol. But fortunately, to prevent this leak, a new technology called DNS over HTTPS has been invented that completely encrypts your DNS requests. Today we will talk about how to enable DoH in any browser.

DoH support is already built into all major browsers. Users only need to enable and configure it.

All six major browser vendors plan to support DNS over HTTPS (DoH), which encrypts DNS traffic and helps improve user privacy online.

This protocol is one of the most discussed topics of this year. It allows the browser to hide DNS requests and responses inside normal HTTPS traffic.

This makes the user's DNS traffic invisible to third-party network observers, such as providers. However, while users love DoH and see it as a privacy boon, cybersecurity providers and vendors hate it.

A British ISP has called Mozilla an "Internet villain" for the company's plans to implement DoH, and a group of Comcast lobbyists have been caught preparing a DoH document that they plan to present to UK lawmakers, hoping to prevent the protocol's wider adoption.

However, time may already be running out. The editors contacted major web browser manufacturers over the course of a week to learn about their future plans for DoH, and they all plan to implement the protocol in one form or another.

How to Enable DoH in Any Browser
Here's what we know so far about browser manufacturers' DoH plans and how users can enable DoH in any browser.

Brave DoH Support
“We're very keen to implement it,” Tom Lowenthal, product manager at Brave for Privacy & Security, told us.

However, the Brave team does not yet have an exact timeline for implementing DoH. They are engaged in other improvements related to privacy. For example, this week the company released an update that improves the recognition of scripts that track user actions. Brave 1.0 is on the horizon, and the team needs to focus on its release. But Brave will have DoH.

“DoH implementation is much more than a simple technical task. We need to decide what reasonable and protective settings we can enable by default for most people who do not think about configuring DNS - but in a way that we do not break anything for those people and organizations that have carefully approached the tuning of their programs, ”said Lowenthal .

Since Brave is based on the Chromium open source project, it has DoH support. However, the team has not configured this support yet. It is in the code, but it is included in the way the team of Google Chrome authors came up with it. You can enable DoH in Brave by going to the following URL:

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