How to Go Viral With A TikTok Creator Army


New member
Jul 19, 2023
Simple enough right? This article will cover everything you need to know. What is the Creator Army Method, how you can use it to grow your business, and whether you should even be using it in the first place.. If you’re an e-commerce brand owner already doing +50k/Monthly for your store, this could be right for you to scale to +100k/Month. But first, let’s go over how to go viral in the first place -

Step 1: How To Go Viral: 4 principles​

  1. Use controversy to spark discussion - you should push the boundaries. Get people talking or even arguing in the comments. This depends on how safe your branding is but you should try and be a little risky. Bait people with the topic, captions and comments if you're able to. I posted about feminism and of course, TikTok being TikTok, a tonne of anti-feminist trolls went crazy and then pro-feminist people clapped back. The comment section was an all out war and my views and followers kept on rising. Check out Scrub Daddy for a good example of being a little outrageous.

This is how you make your video stand out and REALLY hack the algorithm. Something that gets people going. Confuse people, Shock people, Say something bold (get arguments going in the comments) Examples: Someone tripping in the background or could be something as simple as a spelling error in the text to speech
Please Read this for a better understanding:
You must reply before you can see the hidden data contained here.
Stupidity: do/say something illogical
Absurdity: do something unexpected
Confusion: do/say something confusing unable to be understood (eg contradicting yourself)

→ Optimize for watch time & comments

2. Hack the watch time - think of how you can get people to watch as many times or for as long as possible. Video completion rate and overall watch time are key to going viral. You can do this in a number of ways. For example, you could include a lot of info that requires people to re-watch to understand, you could leave the "climax" of the video towards the end so people need to watch the whole thing or you could simply create a short funny video that people will want to watch over and over again.

This is the number one metric that the tiktok algorithm looks at, so you need to focus on getting people to watch the entire video. A few simple strategies:
- Mention something near the beginning of the video but don’t show it until the end
- Create a storyline people want to follow along
- Simple text like “wait till the end”
- Keep the best part for the end

3. Reply to every comment with a question ASAP. This is more powerful once your video has already got a little traction. As soon as your video starts to get more views than usual, replying to comments will give it an extra boost and increase the views consistently over the next few days. Sometimes your video can plateau after a day at around 10k views but if you keep replying back to comments, it can get your video to 100k+ over the next few days.

4. Hook: Something that grabs people’s attention in the first 1-3 seconds There is two parts to creating a strong hook: (they must work together) Something visually eye grabbing (shocking, weird, satisfying, etc) Examples: weird - A banana on your head. Satisfying - opening a can, shocking - smacking someone with a pie. Text/Title that grabs peoples attention [clickbait] (“Stop Scrolling” “The Government doesn't want you to know this” “I found a cure for x” etc)

5. Viral Angles: Iterate. What has worked for you? What has worked for your competitors? What are your new ideas? Continuously test and learn from your mistakes.

Step 2: How to Scale With the Creator Army Method​

  • Begin with 5-10 creators INSTEAD of 1
  • Far more cost effective
  • Minimize risk should 1 creator not pop off (happens even to the best ones)
  • Run creators through brand guidelines, have them post 30 pieces of content per month
  • Repurpose Tiktok content to IG & YT

Step 3: Maintain Your Results​

  • Trim off bad performers
  • Replace with quality creators
  • Weekly calls with creators to ensure they are performing, learning from each other, testing angles and figuring out what works
  • Use account manager/CSM to ensure all creators are consistent

Step 4: Growth & Optimization​

  • Run Tiktok ads on the best content pieces
  • Onboard 5 new creators per month
  • Optimize store for mobile. checkout, reviews, etc.

Step 5: Next Steps​

Hope you got value out of this PDF! Simply being consistent with the info shared on this document could be enough to change your brand if applied correctly.