
Premium Only Malware Developer Academy

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Nov 21, 2023
1. Welcome Module
2. Introduction To Malware Development
3. Required Tools
4. Coding Basics
5. Windows Architecture
6. Windows Memory Management
7. Introduction To The Windows API
8. Portable Executable Format
9. Dynamic-Link Library
10. Detection Mechanisms
11. Windows Processes
12. Undocumented Structures
13. Payload Placement - .data & .rdata Sections
14. Payload Placement - .text Section
15. Payload Placement - .rsrc Section
16. Introduction To Payload Encryption
17. Payload Encryption - XOR
18. Payload Encryption - RC4
19. Payload Encryption - AES Encryption
20. Evading Microsoft Defender Static Analysis
21. Payload Obfuscation - IPv4/IPv6Fuscation
22. Payload Obfuscation - MACFucscation
23. Payload Obfuscation - UUIDFuscation
24. Maldev Academy Tool - HellShell
25. Maldev Academy Tool - MiniShell
26. Local Payload Execution - DLL
27. Local Payload Execution - Shellcode
28. Process Injection - DLL Injection
29. Process Injection - Shellcode Injection
30. Payload Staging - Web Server
31. Payload Staging - Windows Registry
32. Malware Binary Signing
33. Process Enumeration - EnumProcesses
34. Process Enumeration - NtQuerySystemInformation
35. Thread Hijacking - Local Thread Creation
36. Thread Hijacking - Remote Thread Creation
37. Thread Hijacking - Local Thread Enumeration
38. Thread Hijacking - Remote Thread Enumeration
39. APC Injection
40. Early Bird APC Injection
41. Callback Code Execution
42. Local Mapping Injection
43. Remote Mapping Injection
44. Local Function Stomping Injection
45. Remote Function Stomping Injection
46. Payload Execution Control
47. Spoofing PPID
48. Process Argument Spoofing (1)
49. Process Argument Spoofing (2)
50. Parsing PE Headers
51. String Hashing
52. IAT Hiding & Obfuscation - Introduction
53. IAT Hiding & Obfuscation - Custom GetProcAddress
54. IAT Hiding & Obfuscation - Custom GetModuleHandle
55. IAT Hiding & Obfuscation - API Hashing
56. IAT Hiding & Obfuscation - Custom Pseudo Handles
57. IAT Hiding & Obfuscation - Compile Time API Hashing
58. API Hooking - Introduction
59. API Hooking - Detours Library
60. API Hooking - Minhook Library
61. API Hooking - Custom Code
62. API Hooking - Using Windows APIs
63. Syscalls - Introduction
64. Syscalls - Userland Hooking
65. Syscalls - SysWhispers
66. Syscalls - Hell's Gate
67. Syscalls - Reimplementing Classic Injection
68. Syscalls - Reimplementing Mapping Injection
69. Syscalls - Reimplementing APC Injection
70. Anti-Analysis - Introduction
71. Anti-Debugging - Multiple Techniques
72. Anti-Debugging - Self-Deletion
73. Anti-Virtual Environments - Multiple Techniques
74. Anti-Virtual Environments - Multiple Delay Execution Techniques
75. Anti-Virtual Environments - API Hammering
76. Binary Entropy Reduction
77. Brute Force Decryption
78. MalDev Academy Tool - KeyGuard
79. CRT Library Removal & Malware Compiling
80. IAT Camouflage
81. Bypassing AVs
82. Introduction To EDRs
83. NTDLL Unhooking - Introduction
84. NTDLL Unhooking - From Disk
85. NTDLL Unhooking - From KnownDlls Directory
86. NTDLL Unhooking - From a Suspended Process
87. NTDLL Unhooking - From a Web Server
88. Updating Hell's Gate
89. Indirect Syscalls - HellsHall
90. Block DLL Policy

91. Diving Into NtCreateUserProcess

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