Become King Of Hell
Feb 28, 2024

Here to introduce moi self !! Joining this forum because I am interested in AI, self-hosted web applications, federated chat and social apps, and porn LOL. Other interests include techno and trance electronic music and foreign languages.

A little bit about me:

  • I use a feminine name on all my chat apps and social accounts, as I get a bit higher engagement that way.
  • I am not actually a girl in real life; I am actually an extremely racist dachshund.
  • I am literally a genius (as proven by perfect tests scores on the USAF ASVAB across all categories), but regrettably have been really unable to really do anything with my life due to inadequate social skills and lifelong poor health.
  • I am a professional full-stack developer and have been for a number of years.
  • I am interested in eventually hiring pajeet gig developers (Fiverr type shit) for different hobby-type projects I'm working on. Things that have no urgency and barely any practical use; I'm willing to pay out of pocket, but not much. Any suggestions?

That's all I've got going on. Hopefully I don't get banned for my first post. It was nice knowing y'all.
