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Privilege escalation automated script Windows & Linux


New member
Jul 24, 2022
When an attacker attacks a Windows Operating System most of the time they will get a base shell or meterpreter session. This shell is limited in the actions it can perform. So, to elevate privileges, we need to enumerate different files, directories, permissions, logs and SAM files. The number of files inside a Windows OS is very overwhelming. Hence, doing this task manually is very difficult even when you know where to look. So, why not automate this task using scripts. When an attacker attacks a Linux Operating System most of the time they will get a base shell which can be converted into a TTY shell or meterpreter session. This shell is limited in the actions it can perform. So, to elevate privileges, we need to enumerate different files, directories, permissions, logs and /etc/passwd files. The number of files inside any Linux System is very overwhelming. Hence, doing this task manually is very difficult even when you know where to look. So, why not automate this task using scripts. Privilege escalation is a phase that comes after the attacker has compromised the victim’s machine where he tries to gather critical information related to systems such as hidden password and weak configured services or applications, etc. All this information helps the attacker to make the post exploit against the machine for getting the higher-privileged shell. In this article, we will shed light on some of the automated scripts that can be used to perform Post Exploitation and Enumeration after getting initial accesses to Windows OS based Devices
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