Python/Perl/Bash Retrieving Firefox Cookies Using Python


New member
Jun 21, 2023
This code snippet demonstrates a Python function designed to retrieve Firefox cookies from a user's system. It employs the SQLite library to connect to the Firefox cookies database and fetches the cookie data by executing an SQL query. The function, get_firefox_cookies(), allows for the optional specification of a custom database location, but if none is provided, it uses a default path obtained by searching for the Firefox profile directory.

Once the cookies are fetched, they are concatenated into a formatted string, firefox_cookies, containing the cookie name, value, and the associated URL. This string can be potentially misused for unauthorized activities.

⚠️ The following section of the code demonstrates a malicious intent, which should never be implemented or encouraged. It is included here for illustrative purposes only, to emphasize the potential risks of such actions. ⚠️

The code includes an example of injecting malicious functionality, where the stolen cookies are sent to a remote server. It uses the requests library to make a POST request to the specified URL, https://your-malicious-server.skid, with the stolen cookies as the payload. The code checks if the response status code is 200, indicating a successful transmission to the remote server, and prints a message confirming the theft of cookies.

⚠️ It is important to note that this code exhibits unethical and illegal behavior. Retrieving and misusing cookies without explicit user consent is a violation of privacy and security regulations. The inclusion of this code snippet is purely for academic and awareness purposes. ⚠️
Please remember to use programming skills responsibly and ethically, respecting privacy and legal boundaries.
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