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The psychology of fraud


Staff member
Dec 23, 2021
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Hi all. Many of us have said this phrase at least once in our lives, and I am no exception. Therefore, I decided to write to you about the principle of the work of scammers and about people who, like fish, go to them on the hook.

Fraudsters, in fact, are very smart people who know how to get in touch with any person, it seems that they have specially studied psychology. They always look good, thus disposing to themselves. You will not meet a scammer who does not look after himself, as they are intellectually developed and understand that people always "meet by clothes." They immediately see what mood you are in, and at the same time they understand how best to approach you: with pressure, or just to be very interested, or to put pressure on you, because they are essentially actors and can enter into any role.

Fraud schemes are different, depending on their victim and situation. Often, greedy, gambling, depending on the opinions of others, gullible and compliant people fall into tricks. As they say, greed deprives the last mind, a scammer identifies such people in an instant, and he does not even have to connect his economic knowledge.

He can easily offer free cheese in a mousetrap, and they will follow. Greedy people need results, unlike gamblers. The second do not understand and do not even realize what will happen next, the main thing is to take part. More than once in my life I have met people who do not have their own point of view. They are always chasing some stereotypes, fashion, advertising and cannot adequately analyze the situation.

You can easily approach such people and say: “Do you know that everyone donates money to the antimozgi fund, but you don’t yet!” or “Everyone has already bought everything, but you are still thinking”? So what? They will run, buy and sell! These people are easy to manipulate.

There are categories of people who have their own point of view, but cannot defend it. They constantly give in and give in to any persuasion. Unlike the previous ones, they do not follow the crowd, but follow a certain authority. Authorities for them are ranks, titles, even just certificates and official papers. Let's imagine a situation, if a swindler holds some kind of fake ID in his hand and speaks in a raised tone, then he can convince the suggested person that he killed Kennedy.

And now I will tell you what human kindness leads to and give the most elementary example.
Kind people pass by beggars on the street and look at photographs of people, birds, mice, dogs, for the treatment of which the so-called volunteers are asking. Of course, it is no longer a secret that most of them are scammers, but good-natured people are always very sorry for those who ask for help. They are ready to help everyone and do not even think that if they are highly moral, and lies are unacceptable for them, this does not mean that this prevents a fraudster from deceiving them.

In fact, there are a lot of deceptions in life. Every year, scammers come up with more and more new scams. Therefore, when coming to any office, we must make sure a hundred times that we are met by exactly the person we need, and not the swindler whose ad we fell for. When signing important documents, we should read more carefully and not skip texts, especially those written in the smallest print, because basically the most important information is stored there. Don't make hasty decisions. Always listen carefully and don't be afraid to ask questions.

If you now think that you already know all this without me and will not fall for the tricks of a scammer, I want to upset you, a person cannot be competent in all areas of life. Therefore, be careful always, especially when you have strong emotions. Be it joy, anger, etc. After all, it is at this moment that you lose the ability to soberly assess the situation.

You can’t even imagine where scammers can “work”. Even at the wedding of your beloved niece…. While you stand, look and think what a nice person the groom is, and on the other side they will think that this is your relative, this swindler will quickly empty the presented envelopes, eat on the ball and leave, taking a box of expensive cognac.

And now I will share with you an incident from my life. And how I came to my favorite ebay-naebey topic ... four years ago I wanted to buy myself a cool bike. And then a miracle happened. On the site in ebay I found what I wanted, and even cheap. And for some reason it didn’t even occur to me that it was naebey paypal, he didn’t have only uberweisung, but it didn’t bother me at all. After I sent him the money, he disappeared, and so did the ad. I was left without money and without my dreams.

Several qualities played in me: greed, emotions overwhelmed me, and to some extent I was dependent on someone else's opinion, because I already imagined how I would arrive on a new cool bike to our bike company, and everyone would gasp. It turned out that everything was not the way I pictured it to myself. But on the other hand, it suggested the idea of returning what was lost at the expense of those who, just as succumbing to emotions, are ready to part with money easily and simply. And in this case, the lesson I learned led me to the fact that this method has become the main source of my income for the past few years.

In the end, I will tell you a few sayings that you should always remember:

1. Not the one who has little is greedy, but the one who wants more.
2. There is always excitement, not always luck.
3. Good and cracker for health, but evil and meat is not for future use.
4. If you don’t know the ford, don’t go into the water.
5. In a person, it is not the rank that matters, but the beginning.
6. Always be careful. Trust, but verify

I wish you all good luck in the vastness of our difficult cheating activities!
With love for your work.