A python bot to make money using Google AdSenseA Web-Scraper running in docker that utilizes the Mysterium Network to browse while being undetected
This project aims to navigate the web while randomizing user agents and ip's. The brilliance of it comes from the Mysterium network. This allows us to use non-commercial ip's as a Virtual Private Netowrk. When clicking on websites from a known VPN/Proxy websites often just block them. That is where Mysterium Comes in allowing people to have a decentralized VPN.
Part one: Mysterium
The wallet is what will be paying the individuals who run the servers we are connecting to. You will need to download the Mysterium-Desktop app and make a wallet so you can import your private key into Selenium-Web-Clicker Then export the wallet and put the string and password in docker-compose.yml
Part two: Mysterium-test
Once you have your Mysterium wallet exported you can use Myst. This is a simple Mysterium program to get your IP. If all works correctly you should have an IP that is not in your country.
Part three: Mysterium-Selenium Bot
The last part is the web clicker and this one should run locally. The ad_bot uses two containers; The first is a Mysterium node (which we do not need to edit), and the second is a Selenium web-scraper. You will need enter your Mysterium wallet in Mysterium-selenium/myst-data/keystore.json and your key in Mysterium-selenium/docker-compose.yaml In addition make sure to change the website Selenium go to You will need to change the URL to wherever you are trying to click ads from
All set you should start earing money wherever you set-up your ad network.
Download the bot.
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