You probably have several cards of international payment systems in your wallet, such as Visa or MasterCard. Have you ever wondered what algorithms are used in these cards? How secure are payments? We pay with cards every day, but we know very little about them for certain. Even more myths accompanies card payments. To understand what are the ways to steal money from the card, you must first understand how the payment is made. Let's figure it out together.
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Authentication card
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Payer verification
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Transaction authorization
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Now that you know how electronic and contactless payments work, you are ready to talk about the vulnerabilities in these schemes. We will discuss this in the following articles, and at the same time we will analyze the most high-profile cases of fraud.All Parts:
Attacking contactless cards [Part 1]
You probably have several cards of international payment systems in your wallet, such as Visa or MasterCard. Have you ever wondered what algorithms are used in these cards? How secure are payments? We pay with cards every day, but we know very little about them for certain. Even more myths...

Attacking contactless cards [Part 2]
How hackers steal money from bank cards Hidden content THE MOST COMMON TYPES OF FRAUD Let's start with attacks that payment systems and banks have to deal with on a regular basis. Payments without 3-D Secure Hidden content What is 3-D Secure Hidden content Attack of the clones Hidden content...

Attacking contactless cards [Part 3]
How chip card attacks work Almost all modern bank cards are equipped with a chip, which stores the information necessary for payments. In today's article, I will talk about the methods of fraud with such cards, as well as the methods used by banks to counter carders. CHIPOVOE LEGACY Hidden...

Attacking contactless cards [Part 4]
Contactless bank cards are very convenient: I put the card to the terminal, and after a couple of seconds the phone rang in my pocket - the purchase was paid. But this convenience has a downside: attackers can steal money from the holders of such “plastic”. Let's talk about ways to hack bank...

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