BlackNET Php Botnet
Free advanced and modern Windows botnet with a nice and secure PHP panel developed using VB.NET.
About BlackNET
Free advanced and modern Windows botnet with a nice and secure PHP panel built using VB.NET.
this botnet controller comes with a lot of features and the most secure panel for free
What You Can Do

- Upload File
- From URL
- From Disk
- DDOS Attack [ TCP,UDP,ARME,Slowloris, HTTPGet, POSTHttp, Bandwidth Flood ]
- Start DDOS
- Stop DDOS
- Open Webpage
- Visible
- Hidden
- Show MessageBox
- Take Screenshot
- Steal Firefox Cookies
- Steal Saved Passwords
- Chrome
- Firefox
- NordVPN
- FileZilla
- Outlook
- Steal Chrome Cookies
- Steal Discord Token
- Steal Clipboard Data
- Execute Shell Commands
- CMD (Command Prompt)
- Powershell
- Send Spam Emails
- Run XMR Miner
- Seed a Torrent File
- From Disk
- From URL
- Keylogger
- Execute Scripts
- Execute Custom Plugins
- Computer Operations
- Restart
- Shutdown
- Logout
- Bitcoin Wallet Stealer
- Uninstall Client
- Move Client
- Blacklist Client
- Update Client
- Close Client

- PHP >= 7.3
- NET Framework
- Stub >= 4.5
- Builder >= 4.5
How to Install

- Pull the repo or Download the latest release
- Compress the BlackNET panel folder and upload it to your hosting
- Create a database with any name you want
- Change the database information in config/config.php
- Change the "Panel URL" with your URL in config/config.php
- Change all files and folders permission to 777
- Make Sure that all dependencies are included in "plugins" folder
- FileSearcher.dll
- PasswordStealer.dll
- PluginExample.dll
- xmrig.exe
- Go to install.php fill-up the form and click install
- Create a cron job for ping.php and remove.php
How to secure BlackNET

- Remove install.php and update.php
- Enable Captcha using Google reCaptcha v3
- Enable 2FA on your account
- Add a security question
How to use the File Searcher Function

- execute "Get file fom the system" command on the client
- use this pattern %Userprofile%|[Here write extension list]
- Wait until the plugin finish the process and upload the files
000Webhost notice
Please use Unzipper.php to extract the panel files inside 000webhost filemanager

You must reply before you can see the hidden data contained here.
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