Malware Builder / Panel Brata Rat (Remote Access Trojan) Fully Cracked Download


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Feb 23, 2024
Brata Rat é um software que permite o controle remoto de dispositivos Android. Ele foi projetado para ser totalmente indetectável e persistente, o que significa que pode operar sem ser detectado pelo usuário e continuará funcionando mesmo se o dispositivo for reiniciado. A botnet do software também oferece suporte às versões 15.4.1 e inferiores do iOS, bem como à versão 13 e inferior do Android.

Brata Rat possui vários recursos que permitem ao usuário controlar vários aspectos do dispositivo alvo. Alguns desses recursos incluem:

Função antiexclusão: esse recurso evita que o software seja desinstalado ou removido do dispositivo.

Controle de tela: O usuário pode controlar remotamente a exibição do dispositivo alvo, incluindo a capacidade de ligar ou desligar a tela e manipular o papel de parede do dispositivo.

Formatação do telefone: o usuário pode apagar remotamente todos os dados e redefinir o dispositivo de destino para as configurações de fábrica.

Iniciação de chamada telefônica: o usuário pode fazer chamadas telefônicas remotamente a partir do dispositivo de destino.

Torradeira de mensagens: Este recurso permite ao usuário exibir uma mensagem na tela do dispositivo de destino.

Gerenciador de arquivos: O usuário pode acessar e manipular remotamente os arquivos armazenados no dispositivo de destino.

Phisher de tela: esse recurso permite que o usuário exiba um login falso ou outro tipo de tela no dispositivo de destino para induzi-lo a inserir informações confidenciais.

Despejo de informações do sistema: O usuário pode recuperar remotamente uma variedade de informações sobre o dispositivo de destino, incluindo detalhes sobre o hardware e software do dispositivo.

Despejo de localização: o usuário pode obter remotamente a localização atual do dispositivo de destino.

Transmissão de webcam ao vivo: o usuário pode acessar e visualizar remotamente o feed de vídeo da câmera do dispositivo de destino em tempo real.

Despejo de mensagens: o usuário pode acessar e recuperar remotamente todas as mensagens armazenadas no dispositivo de destino.

Alteração do modo de áudio: O usuário pode alterar remotamente o modo de áudio do dispositivo de destino, como alternar entre os modos silencioso e normal.

Despejo de registro de chamadas: o usuário pode acessar e recuperar remotamente o histórico de chamadas do dispositivo de destino.

Despejo de hora local: o usuário pode obter remotamente a hora e o fuso horário atuais do dispositivo de destino.

Gravação de microfone: O usuário pode acessar e gravar remotamente o áudio do microfone do dispositivo de destino.

Desinstalação de aplicativos: o usuário pode remover aplicativos remotamente do dispositivo de destino.

Lista de aplicativos instalados: o usuário pode obter remotamente uma lista de todos os aplicativos instalados no dispositivo de destino.

Envio de mensagens: o usuário pode enviar mensagens remotamente do dispositivo de destino.

Despejo de contato: o usuário pode acessar e recuperar remotamente uma lista de contatos armazenados no dispositivo de destino.

Bloqueio/desbloqueio de tela: o usuário pode bloquear ou desbloquear remotamente a tela do dispositivo de destino.

Execução de comando shell: o usuário pode executar comandos shell remotamente no dispositivo de destino.

Snap da webcam: o usuário pode tirar uma imagem instantânea usando a câmera do dispositivo de destino.

Abertura e instalação de aplicativos: o usuário pode abrir ou instalar aplicativos remotamente no dispositivo de destino.

Exibição de informações do dispositivo: o usuário pode recuperar remotamente informações sobre o dispositivo de destino, como modelo, versão do sistema operacional e muito mais.

Função de ocultar/mostrar ícone do aplicativo de carregamento útil: O usuário pode ocultar ou exibir o ícone do aplicativo Brata Rat no dispositivo de destino.

Controle de tela rápido: Este recurso permite um controle de tela rápido e eficiente do dispositivo de destino.

Controle via navegador da web: O usuário pode controlar o dispositivo de destino a partir de um navegador da web.

Clipper Android (apenas para BTC e USDT): Este recurso permite ao usuário acessar e manipular remotamente contas de criptomoeda Bitcoin e Tether no dispositivo de destino.

Transferência de arquivos: o usuário pode transferir arquivos remotamente de e para o dispositivo de destino.

Manipulação de mensagens e contatos: O usuário pode acessar e manipular remotamente mensagens e contatos armazenados no dispositivo de destino.

Encaminhamento de chamadas: o usuário pode configurar remotamente o encaminhamento de chamadas no dispositivo de destino.

Roubo de OTP (com exclusão automática): Este recurso de senha permite roubar usuários remotamente de uso exclusivo do dispositivo de destino e excluí-los automaticamente do dispositivo.

Painel amigável: Brata Rat possui um painel amigável que permite ao usuário acessar e controlar facilmente diversos recursos do software.

Enraização automática (apenas até Android 11): Este recurso permite ao usuário fazer root remotamente no dispositivo de destino (concede privilégios de root ao software), apenas até a versão 11 do Android.

Envio de SMS: O usuário pode enviar mensagens SMS remotamente do dispositivo de destino.

Função de tela bloqueada (a tela permanece ligada, mas a função de toque está desativada): O usuário pode bloquear remotamente a tela do dispositivo alvo, mantendo a tela ligada, mas evitando que o usuário interaja com ela.

Capacidade de ransomware: o usuário pode instalar remotamente ransomware no dispositivo de destino, que pode ser usado para manter os dados do dispositivo como reféns até que um resgate seja pago.

Congelamento do telefone: O usuário pode congelar remotamente o dispositivo alvo, impedindo-o de funcionar.

Função de vibração: O usuário pode fazer vibrar remotamente o dispositivo alvo.

Alteração do papel de parede: O usuário pode alterar remotamente o papel de parede no dispositivo de destino.

Capacidade de ligar/desligar várias funções do dispositivo (como lanterna, Bluetooth, localização, volume, etc.): O usuário pode ligar ou desligar remotamente várias funções do dispositivo alvo, incluindo lanterna, conectividade Bluetooth, serviços de localização e níveis de volume.

É importante observar que o uso de software como o Brata Rat pode ser ilegal e antiético, pois pode ser usado para invadir a privacidade e a segurança de terceiros. É essencial respeitar os direitos e limites dos outros e utilizar esse software de forma responsável e cautelosa.
Senha 🔑: hellofhackers

Link para download 🔗: -

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New member
Feb 27, 2024
Brata Rat is a software program that allows for the remote control of Android devices. It is designed to be fully undetectable and persistent, meaning that it can operate without being detected by the user and it will continue to run even if the device is restarted. The software's botnet also supports iOS versions 15.4.1 and below, as well as Android version 13 and below.

Brata Rat has a number of features that allow the user to control various aspects of the targeted device. Some of these features include:

Anti-delete function: This feature prevents the software from being uninstalled or removed from the device.

Screen control: The user can remotely control the display of the targeted device, including the ability to turn the screen on or off and manipulate the device's wallpaper.

Phone formatting: The user can remotely erase all data and reset the targeted device to its factory settings.

Phone call initiation: The user can remotely place phone calls from the targeted device.

Message toaster: This feature allows the user to display a message on the targeted device's screen.

File manager: The user can remotely access and manipulate files stored on the targeted device.

Screen phisher: This feature allows the user to display a fake login or other type of screen on the targeted device in order to trick the user into entering sensitive information.

System information dump: The user can remotely retrieve a variety of information about the targeted device, including details about the device's hardware and software.

Location dump: The user can remotely obtain the current location of the targeted device.

Live webcam stream: The user can remotely access and view the video feed from the targeted device's camera in real-time.

Message dump: The user can remotely access and retrieve all messages stored on the targeted device.

Audio mode alteration: The user can remotely change the audio mode of the targeted device, such as switching between silent and normal modes.

Call log dump: The user can remotely access and retrieve the call history of the targeted device.

Local time dump: The user can remotely obtain the current time and time zone of the targeted device.

Microphone recording: The user can remotely access and record audio from the targeted device's microphone.

App uninstallation: The user can remotely remove apps from the targeted device.

List of installed apps: The user can remotely obtain a list of all apps installed on the targeted device.

Message sending: The user can remotely send messages from the targeted device.

Contact dump: The user can remotely access and retrieve the contact list stored on the targeted device.

Screen lock/unlock: The user can remotely lock or unlock the targeted device's screen.

Shell command execution: The user can remotely execute shell commands on the targeted device.

Webcam snap: The user can remotely take a snapshot using the targeted device's camera.

App opening and installation: The user can remotely open or install apps on the targeted device.

Device information display: The user can remotely retrieve information about the targeted device, such as its model, operating system version, and more.

Payload app icon hide/show function: The user can hide or display the Brata Rat app icon on the targeted device.

Fast screen control: This feature allows for fast and efficient screen control of the targeted device.

Control via web browser: The user can control the targeted device from a web browser.

Android clipper (for BTC and USDT only): This feature allows the user to remotely access and manipulate Bitcoin and Tether cryptocurrency accounts on the targeted device.

File transfer: The user can remotely transfer files to and from the targeted device.

Message and contact manipulation: The user can remotely access and manipulate messages and contacts stored on the targeted device.

Call forwarding: The user can remotely set up call forwarding on the targeted device.

OTP stealing (with automatic deletion): This feature allows the user to remotely steal one-time passwords from the targeted device and automatically delete them from the device.

User-friendly panel: Brata Rat has a user-friendly panel that allows the user to easily access and control the various features of the software.

Automatic rooting (up to Android 11 only): This feature allows the user to remotely root the targeted device (grant root privileges to the software), up to Android version 11 only.

SMS sending: The user can remotely send SMS messages from the targeted device.

Locked screen function (screen remains on but touch function is disabled): The user can remotely lock the screen of the targeted device, keeping the screen on but preventing the user from interacting with it.

Ransomware capability: The user can remotely install ransomware on the targeted device, which can be used to hold the device's data hostage until a ransom is paid.

Phone freezing: The user can remotely freeze the targeted device, preventing it from functioning.

Vibration function: The user can remotely cause the targeted device to vibrate.

Wallpaper alteration: The user can remotely change the wallpaper on the targeted device.

Ability to turn on/off various device functions (such as torch, Bluetooth, location, volume, etc.): The user can remotely turn on or off various functions of the targeted device, including the flashlight, Bluetooth connectivity, location services, and volume levels.

It is important to note that the use of software like Brata Rat may be illegal and unethical, as it can be used to invade the privacy and security of others. It is essential to respect the rights and boundaries of others and to use such software responsibly and with caution.
Password 🔑: hellofhackers

Download Link 🔗:-

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Link Updated


New member
Feb 27, 2024
Brata Rat is a software program that allows for the remote control of Android devices. It is designed to be fully undetectable and persistent, meaning that it can operate without being detected by the user and it will continue to run even if the device is restarted. The software's botnet also supports iOS versions 15.4.1 and below, as well as Android version 13 and below.

Brata Rat has a number of features that allow the user to control various aspects of the targeted device. Some of these features include:

Anti-delete function: This feature prevents the software from being uninstalled or removed from the device.

Screen control: The user can remotely control the display of the targeted device, including the ability to turn the screen on or off and manipulate the device's wallpaper.

Phone formatting: The user can remotely erase all data and reset the targeted device to its factory settings.

Phone call initiation: The user can remotely place phone calls from the targeted device.

Message toaster: This feature allows the user to display a message on the targeted device's screen.

File manager: The user can remotely access and manipulate files stored on the targeted device.

Screen phisher: This feature allows the user to display a fake login or other type of screen on the targeted device in order to trick the user into entering sensitive information.

System information dump: The user can remotely retrieve a variety of information about the targeted device, including details about the device's hardware and software.

Location dump: The user can remotely obtain the current location of the targeted device.

Live webcam stream: The user can remotely access and view the video feed from the targeted device's camera in real-time.

Message dump: The user can remotely access and retrieve all messages stored on the targeted device.

Audio mode alteration: The user can remotely change the audio mode of the targeted device, such as switching between silent and normal modes.

Call log dump: The user can remotely access and retrieve the call history of the targeted device.

Local time dump: The user can remotely obtain the current time and time zone of the targeted device.

Microphone recording: The user can remotely access and record audio from the targeted device's microphone.

App uninstallation: The user can remotely remove apps from the targeted device.

List of installed apps: The user can remotely obtain a list of all apps installed on the targeted device.

Message sending: The user can remotely send messages from the targeted device.

Contact dump: The user can remotely access and retrieve the contact list stored on the targeted device.

Screen lock/unlock: The user can remotely lock or unlock the targeted device's screen.

Shell command execution: The user can remotely execute shell commands on the targeted device.

Webcam snap: The user can remotely take a snapshot using the targeted device's camera.

App opening and installation: The user can remotely open or install apps on the targeted device.

Device information display: The user can remotely retrieve information about the targeted device, such as its model, operating system version, and more.

Payload app icon hide/show function: The user can hide or display the Brata Rat app icon on the targeted device.

Fast screen control: This feature allows for fast and efficient screen control of the targeted device.

Control via web browser: The user can control the targeted device from a web browser.

Android clipper (for BTC and USDT only): This feature allows the user to remotely access and manipulate Bitcoin and Tether cryptocurrency accounts on the targeted device.

File transfer: The user can remotely transfer files to and from the targeted device.

Message and contact manipulation: The user can remotely access and manipulate messages and contacts stored on the targeted device.

Call forwarding: The user can remotely set up call forwarding on the targeted device.

OTP stealing (with automatic deletion): This feature allows the user to remotely steal one-time passwords from the targeted device and automatically delete them from the device.

User-friendly panel: Brata Rat has a user-friendly panel that allows the user to easily access and control the various features of the software.

Automatic rooting (up to Android 11 only): This feature allows the user to remotely root the targeted device (grant root privileges to the software), up to Android version 11 only.

SMS sending: The user can remotely send SMS messages from the targeted device.

Locked screen function (screen remains on but touch function is disabled): The user can remotely lock the screen of the targeted device, keeping the screen on but preventing the user from interacting with it.

Ransomware capability: The user can remotely install ransomware on the targeted device, which can be used to hold the device's data hostage until a ransom is paid.

Phone freezing: The user can remotely freeze the targeted device, preventing it from functioning.

Vibration function: The user can remotely cause the targeted device to vibrate.

Wallpaper alteration: The user can remotely change the wallpaper on the targeted device.

Ability to turn on/off various device functions (such as torch, Bluetooth, location, volume, etc.): The user can remotely turn on or off various functions of the targeted device, including the flashlight, Bluetooth connectivity, location services, and volume levels.

It is important to note that the use of software like Brata Rat may be illegal and unethical, as it can be used to invade the privacy and security of others. It is essential to respect the rights and boundaries of others and to use such software responsibly and with caution.
Password 🔑: hellofhackers

Download Link 🔗:-

[Hidden content]
Link Updated
thx friend for this crack


Feb 22, 2024
BRATA RAT COMMON LETS TRY..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@######################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################