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Malware Builder / Panel Exela Stealer - FUD With Obfuscation And Signature Technique [ Discord Based ]


New member
Jan 13, 2024
Hey, souls! this is your fvrt mod MalwareGod

today I will give you a stealer that is coded in Python & use Discord webhook as sharing results..

sound good? yes, all the results will be dropped in your discord server so no need to buy premium hostings and rdps or VPS for port forwarding.
Just extract some methods for spreading your payload from our dedicated section:-

Building Payload:-
Install Python and run the builder

All pip install commands are written in the script so no need to manually install
Do not upload the exe to
There share the results and distribute signatures, good people do not too lazy to upload, so go over the top with another crypter or use services like


Keylogger injection process after theft (optional, it is the keylogger that the reason behind to get detected)
Take a screenshot
Wi-Fi grabber
Create Mutex (Anti Spam)
Discord Injection (send token, password, and email when logging in or changing password)
Password grabber
Credit grabber Card
Cookie History
Stealer Grabber and Session Validator Instagram Twitter Tiktok Reddit Roblox Steam
Discord Token Stealer
All personal Discord information (Username, phone numbers, email address, billing information, Nitro status, Discord account biography, Discord account PP, Discord account ID, Discord account MFA status
) titles of active Windows Stealer processes

Builder options:

  • Digital signature
  • Real-time
  • obfuscation Keylogger injection process after theft (optional, avoid it if its not required because keylogger make stubs more detectable)
  • Launch methods (schtask and regedit startup) (optional)
  • Icon changer (the icon file must end with .ico, and if you do not see that the icon has changed, place the file on your desktop and look again and you will see the icon has changed.) (Optional)
  • Ultra Strong Anti-VM (Exela uses 12 different Anti-VM methods) (optional)

Supported browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Opera
  • Opera GX
  • Brave
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Vivaldi
  • And many others, all browser versions are supported
The action sends to the discord via a webhook.

The signature algorithm was already here, it doesn't make sense to Chrome and Windows anyway, they will throw a notification about an unknown author. + Top antiviruses are already looking only for certificates.

With such an implementation, you can say the user to cut off the Internet during installation - it will give a plus point.

So, for the future it is easier to make a certificate and register it for files. The batch file for `Developer PowerShell for VS 2021 (2).lnk` will look like this:

According to the certificates, you need to be puzzled, but lay out a full-fledged manual. One tool is not enough.

Global problem. Unfortunately, there are no workaround methods yet, only to steal the password from the finished one and the Chinese succeed in this, the year 17th even in one of the English. forums published old certificates - Windows skips without problems even with an overdue date.

Download Exela Stealer:-
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