Network Hacking How to hack Webcams,CCTVs & androids and IOS camera with simple steps!.....


New member
Dec 30, 2024
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Hello and Welcome Cyber Learners!
I am your host “
SysGod” and Today we
are going to have brief conversation View attachment 240
on Camera Hacking. This documentation
is just for educational purpose. Any
wrong use of tool and techniques
demonstrated in this documentation
will be condemned. Today we will see
how attackers(Hackers)access any
camera of your phone or webcam of PCs
or CCTV cameras etc. First of all we
have to learn about that which
OS(Operating system) we are going to use and which
technique and tools we are going to practice.

*Kali Linux:-
Kali Linux is a famous
Debian-derived Linux Distribution View attachment 241
used for Penetration testing OR
Hacking. Kali Linux was evolved from
Back Track Linux” in 13 March
2013(10 years ago)
. It’s mostly used
by Professional Hackers and even by
Beginners also. It contains almost
600 Penetration Testing tools.
So,By using Kali Linux as our OS(operating
system) I am going to demonstrate how we can access
anyone camera. There are mainly 3 type of techniques
used to access anyone camera:-
Phishing Attacks
2) Usage of Malware like RAT(Remote Access Trojan)
3) Network interception

#Phishing Attacks
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#Usage of Malware like RAT(Remote Access Trojan)

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View attachment 254
#Network Interception(MITM)
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thank you so much for sharing