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OpenBullet Version 1.2.2 [Official Last Release]


New member
Jun 13, 2023

What Is An Account Checker?​

An account checker is an attack tool that takes lists of leaked username and password pairs and tests them against a website. The most common type of account checker is the one that just checks for a valid username and password combination on a specific website.

However, there are also other types of account checkers that are more sophisticated. For example, those can be used to test for the existence of an email address on a specific website by using the login credentials. This can be done by submitting an email address with the correct credentials as well as one with incorrect credentials.

Account checkers are often available on hacking forums, like the HellofHackers Forum! Where other hackers gather to share information about their latest hacks. In the past, these tools were only available to those who had the knowledge of how to create them, but now anyone with enough money can purchase them from black markets or just download them from the internet.

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OpenBullet es una herramienta de aplicación web de código abierto que se puede usar para raspar y analizar datos, pruebas automáticas de penetración, pruebas unitarias a través de selenio y mucho más. Otra característica de OpenBullet es el petesting automatizado, que incluye cuentas de fuerza bruta, adivinación de contraseñas y mucho más. Tiene una interfaz simple que hace que sea fácil de usar. OpenBullet está disponible de forma gratuita por el equipo de hackers de HellofHackers Forum con el objetivo de proporcionar una alternativa gratuita a las costosas fichas.

OpenBullet es una herramienta gratuita y de código abierto, pero para ejecutar esa herramienta necesita descargar la configuración que está especialmente diseñada para probar combo en su sitio deseado.
Es posible descargar configuraciones desde el foro de HellofHackers. Estas configuraciones están disponibles en forma de archivos .loli y están diseñadas para OpenBullet.

  • Necesario: Proxy/Lista combinada/Configuración
  • Tipo de proxy: HTTP/SOCKS4/SOCKS4a/SOCKS5
  • Contraseña: hellofhackers

Algunos enlaces que le ayudarán a empezar.
  1. Configuraciones para OpenBullet
  2. Proxy gratis
  3. Listas combinadas
  4. Introducción al craqueo
  5. Cursos y recursos de cracking



Sep 4, 2023

What Is An Account Checker?​

An account checker is an attack tool that takes lists of leaked username and password pairs and tests them against a website. The most common type of account checker is the one that just checks for a valid username and password combination on a specific website.

However, there are also other types of account checkers that are more sophisticated. For example, those can be used to test for the existence of an email address on a specific website by using the login credentials. This can be done by submitting an email address with the correct credentials as well as one with incorrect credentials.

Account checkers are often available on hacking forums, like the HellofHackers Forum! Where other hackers gather to share information about their latest hacks. In the past, these tools were only available to those who had the knowledge of how to create them, but now anyone with enough money can purchase them from black markets or just download them from the internet.

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OpenBullet is an open-source web application tool that can be used for scraping and parsing data, automated pen-testing, unit testing through selenium, and much more. Another feature of OpenBullet is automated pentesting, which includes brute-forcing accounts, password guessing, and much more. It has a simple interface which makes it easy to use. OpenBullet is available for free by the team of hackers at HellofHackers Forum with the aim to provide a free alternative to expensive checkers.

OpenBullet is a free and open-source tool but to run that tool you need to download the config that is specially designed to test combo on your desired site.
It is possible to download configs from the HellofHackers forum. These configs are available in the form of .loli files and they are designed for OpenBullet.

  • Needed : Proxy/Combo List/Config
  • Proxy Type : HTTP/SOCKS4/SOCKS4a/SOCKS5
  • Password: hellofhackers

Some Links That Will Help You To Get Started.
  1. Configs For OpenBullet
  2. Free Proxies
  3. ComboLists
  4. Introduction To Cracking
  5. Cracking Courses And Resources

[Hidden content]


Aug 29, 2023

What Is An Account Checker?​

An account checker is an attack tool that takes lists of leaked username and password pairs and tests them against a website. The most common type of account checker is the one that just checks for a valid username and password combination on a specific website.

However, there are also other types of account checkers that are more sophisticated. For example, those can be used to test for the existence of an email address on a specific website by using the login credentials. This can be done by submitting an email address with the correct credentials as well as one with incorrect credentials.

Account checkers are often available on hacking forums, like the HellofHackers Forum! Where other hackers gather to share information about their latest hacks. In the past, these tools were only available to those who had the knowledge of how to create them, but now anyone with enough money can purchase them from black markets or just download them from the internet.

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OpenBullet est un outil d’application Web open source qui peut être utilisé pour gratter et analyser des données, des tests d’intrusion automatisés, des tests unitaires à travers le sélénium, et bien plus encore. Une autre fonctionnalité d’OpenBullet est le test de pénétration automatisé, qui comprend les comptes de forçage brut, la devinette de mot de passe et bien plus encore. Il a une interface simple qui le rend facile à utiliser. OpenBullet est disponible gratuitement par l’équipe de hackers du HellofHackers Forum dans le but de fournir une alternative gratuite aux dames coûteuses.

OpenBullet est un outil gratuit et open-source, mais pour exécuter cet outil, vous devez télécharger la configuration spécialement conçue pour tester le combo sur le site souhaité.
Il est possible de télécharger des configs depuis le forum HellofHackers. Ces configurations sont disponibles sous la forme de fichiers .loli et elles sont conçues pour OpenBullet.

  • Nécessaire : Proxy/Combo List/Config
  • Proxy Type : HTTP/SOCKS4/SOCKS4a/SOCKS5
  • Mot de passe : hellofhackers

Quelques liens qui vous aideront à démarrer.
  1. Configurations pour OpenBullet
  2. Proxys gratuits
  3. ComboLists
  4. Introduction à la fissuration
  5. Cours et ressources de craquage

[Contenu caché]


Sep 21, 2023

What Is An Account Checker?​

An account checker is an attack tool that takes lists of leaked username and password pairs and tests them against a website. The most common type of account checker is the one that just checks for a valid username and password combination on a specific website.

However, there are also other types of account checkers that are more sophisticated. For example, those can be used to test for the existence of an email address on a specific website by using the login credentials. This can be done by submitting an email address with the correct credentials as well as one with incorrect credentials.

Account checkers are often available on hacking forums, like the HellofHackers Forum! Where other hackers gather to share information about their latest hacks. In the past, these tools were only available to those who had the knowledge of how to create them, but now anyone with enough money can purchase them from black markets or just download them from the internet.

View attachment 80


OpenBullet is an open-source web application tool that can be used for scraping and parsing data, automated pen-testing, unit testing through selenium, and much more. Another feature of OpenBullet is automated pentesting, which includes brute-forcing accounts, password guessing, and much more. It has a simple interface which makes it easy to use. OpenBullet is available for free by the team of hackers at HellofHackers Forum with the aim to provide a free alternative to expensive checkers.

OpenBullet is a free and open-source tool but to run that tool you need to download the config that is specially designed to test combo on your desired site.
It is possible to download configs from the HellofHackers forum. These configs are available in the form of .loli files and they are designed for OpenBullet.

  • Needed : Proxy/Combo List/Config
  • Proxy Type : HTTP/SOCKS4/SOCKS4a/SOCKS5
  • Password: hellofhackers

Some Links That Will Help You To Get Started.
  1. Configs For OpenBullet
  2. Free Proxies
  3. ComboLists
  4. Introduction To Cracking
  5. Cracking Courses And Resources

[Hidden content]

monu kamble

New member
Oct 15, 2023

What Is An Account Checker?​

An account checker is an attack tool that takes lists of leaked username and password pairs and tests them against a website. The most common type of account checker is the one that just checks for a valid username and password combination on a specific website.

However, there are also other types of account checkers that are more sophisticated. For example, those can be used to test for the existence of an email address on a specific website by using the login credentials. This can be done by submitting an email address with the correct credentials as well as one with incorrect credentials.

Account checkers are often available on hacking forums, like the HellofHackers Forum! Where other hackers gather to share information about their latest hacks. In the past, these tools were only available to those who had the knowledge of how to create them, but now anyone with enough money can purchase them from black markets or just download them from the internet.

View attachment 80


OpenBullet is an open-source web application tool that can be used for scraping and parsing data, automated pen-testing, unit testing through selenium, and much more. Another feature of OpenBullet is automated pentesting, which includes brute-forcing accounts, password guessing, and much more. It has a simple interface which makes it easy to use. OpenBullet is available for free by the team of hackers at HellofHackers Forum with the aim to provide a free alternative to expensive checkers.

OpenBullet is a free and open-source tool but to run that tool you need to download the config that is specially designed to test combo on your desired site.
It is possible to download configs from the HellofHackers forum. These configs are available in the form of .loli files and they are designed for OpenBullet.

  • Needed : Proxy/Combo List/Config
  • Proxy Type : HTTP/SOCKS4/SOCKS4a/SOCKS5
  • Password: hellofhackers

Some Links That Will Help You To Get Started.
  1. Configs For OpenBullet
  2. Free Proxies
  3. ComboLists
  4. Introduction To Cracking
  5. Cracking Courses And Resources

[Hidden content]