
New member
Nov 19, 2024
The Stale Food Method:

The reason I always suggest this method for beginners, Is because food Items are extremely simple to SE and as a matter of fact, anyone who puts their mind to It, will most likely succeed on their very first attempt. Do note that this also applies to beverages/drinks and the like. You don't have to be a master social engineer to get either a free replacement meal, or your money back after eating or drinking something and complaining straight after. That's what defines the "stale food method"- pretending that the food or drink you consumed caused you to feel very sick, thus It was stale due to passing Its expiry date or because It wasn't handled and stored In compliance with "health & safety" regulations. Notice how I've used "health & safety" as the operative words? That's because It will be used to solidify your SE on just about every occasion for the following reasons.

Every licensed business operating In the food Industry, must comply with the applicable laws and regulations that Includes (but not limited to) food that's suitable for consumption, handling & storage, cleanliness/proper hygiene, segregation of cooked & raw products and much more. What this means for yourself, the SE'er, Is that when the company receives a complaint relative to a "health concern", they'll have no choice but to Issue a replacement meal/drink or a full refund. In short, simply SE them by saying you became very unwell "straight after eating/drinking their product", and you really can't go wrong. Another thing I'd like to point out, Is a "customer satisfaction guarantee" (or some variant) that's marked on the packaging Itself. Read the label and If you see something like "If this product does not meet your expectations, please contact us on....", then they've basically SE'd themselves! This Is a huge vulnerability that can be exploited with ease.

The Missing Item Method:

Although this particular method may cause the company to open an Investigation (which I've covered In the next paragraph), you will not be asked to provide any Information on your end, hence the reason why It's suited to beginner social engineers. If this Is the very first time you've heard of this method, I'd say you'd still have a pretty good Idea of what It entails- just by reading the topic's title. As Its name Implies, It's commonly used by SE'ers to say that the Item they ordered from an online store, was missing when they opened the package after It was delivered by the carrier. For example, we'll assume that you purchased a CPU from a UK electrical retailer named Currys PC World, and "upon opening the box" there was nothing Inside. Alternatively, you can say that "the entire box and Its contents (the CPU) was missing". You'd then call Currys and Inform the rep/agent exactly what had happened.

Of course, you did receive the CPU, but you're stating otherwise for SEing purposes. For the missing Item method to work, It's of the utmost Importance to select an Item that's "extremely light and will not register a weight during shipment". Why Is that, you ask? Well, packages are weighed when dispatched and at the carrier's depot, so If you've tried to SE (for example) a GHD ceramic hair straightener that's around 800 grams by claiming that It was missing, It will be detected at the carrier's weighing facilities, therefore your SE will fail. But this (predominantly) happens only If the company decides to "open an Investigation", whereby they'll contact the carrier who serviced your delivery and check their records, namely the weight of your package. If It matches with the weight of (In this case) your GHD hair straightener, then It could not have possibly been missing! As a rule of thumb, I suggest not exceeding a weight of "120 grams" when using the missing Item method, and that's pushing It to Its limit.

The Partial Method:

This Is very similar to the missing Item method above and operates on the same principle, but Instead of ordering a single Item and saying It was not In the box/package when you opened It, you'd purchase multiple Items and claim that "one or more were missing", hence your order was "partially filled" which Is why this method Is named as such- the "partial method". Even though It's closely related to the missing Item method, Its formulation requires a different approach with the Item(s) that you Intend to claim as missing. Here's what I mean. A lot of SE'ers make the mistake of believing that If they place an order for 5 or more Items, then any one of those can be claimed as missing- "regardless of their weight". That Is, they think that "the extra Items In the package will mask the one (or two Items) they're SEing". Let me tell you that this Is not the case at all.

I'll provide a complete breakdown for you, so pay attention! Let's say you bought 5 Items "with a total weight of 3 Kg". Now we'll assume that you want to SE "one of those Items at 1 Kg", by saying It was missing but you received all the rest. If an Investigation Is opened, your SE will fail for the reasons as follows. When the warehouse packed your order, the combined weight of all Items was obviously "3 Kg". The company then dispatched your package at obviously "3 Kg". The carrier weighed your package at their depot- again at "3 Kg". Given you're claiming that you didn't receive your Item that weighs "1 Kg", how much should the dispatched weight and the one at the carrier's depot be? Correct, "2 Kg". But It wasn't! As per above, your package was "3 Kg", so your Item could NOT have been missing! This Is why It's crucial to choose an Item that's very light- a maximum of 120 grams, thus It will not be detected when weighed.

The Sealed Box Method:

The last method that I'll Introduce you to that (as with all the above) does not require any Involvement on your end AFTER you've executed It, Is called the "sealed box method". This works by purchasing an Item that's "fully enclosed In a cardboard box and factory sealed". You'd then take out Its Item, and replace It with something useless of equal weight that you have lying around the house, seal It perfectly as per Its original state and SE the company by saying that you received the same one as a gift, or had a change of mind and would like a refund. The representative will ask you to return It, and when he receives It, he'll scan It and place It back Into stock and your payment will be credited Into your account thereafter. This Is an extremely effective method with a very high success rate, however It must be applied flawlessly.

You see, the objective Is to not give any reason for the rep/agent to check your return, thereby he will put your box back on the shelving/racking In their warehouse thinking that the box & goods have not been touched. Realistically from your social engineering standpoint, you've kept your purchased Item and put something else Inside. But for this to work, you need to be methodical, by "not showing any signs of tampering whatsoever when sealing the box with your useless Item Inside"- because If the rep notices Inconsistencies with the way you've repacked It, he'll most likely thoroughly check It when returned, and I don't need to explain what happens next. Put simply- "be sure that the way you've repacked the box, Is an exact match of the way you received It at the time of purchase". The sealed box method Is not weight-specific, meaning you can use It with any product of reasonable weight, but make sure your useless Item weighs the same as the original Item.

In Conclusion:

The purpose of this article, Is to provide beginner SE'ers with methods that don't require any action on their end when the SE Is In progress. In other words, when the rep/agent Is handling your claim, that's where all discussions remain, hence you're not asked to give additional Information to move forward with It. Sure, the rep may request a few bits & pieces such as a "POP" (Proof Of Purchase) or the order number, but you won't be needed further than that. When your skill set advances, you can then start using other methods according